So you have gone through the interview process for your ideal next job, and maybe you have even sent a thank you letter - but still no response. How should you proceed? If for no other reason, a Follow-Up Letter will keep you on their radar, and remind them of who you are, what you do and how you believe you will fit into their organization.
Following up with a recruiter when you haven’t heard back after your thank you note, is a good idea. In some cases, a follow-up letter may increase your chances of finally receiving a response. Sometimes a recruiter is very busy with multiple assignments, and your candidacy may have been placed on-hold. Or the situation may have changed. In any case, you want to know where you stand with this company and whether the opportunity still exists.
However, it is important to write a carefully thought out letter, so as not to offend. A Follow-Up letter reminds the recruiter that you are still interested. We are often reluctant to follow-up, after having interviewed and sent a Thank You email, for fear of seeming too desperate a/o bothering the recipient. However, if written carefully, a Follow-Up email may be the trigger that reminds the recruiter that you are the right candidate for the position.
It is a good idea to wait a few days after your initial email to follow-up. This is assuming you have already written a thank you note for the interview. Allow time for the recruiter, hiring manager and others involved to process your interview and decide on your status. They may be seeing other candidates; or changes to the position may have occurred. Sometimes people critical to the hiring decision may be out of the office; there are many reasons for a delay in responding to your application, your interview or your thank you letter.
It is frustrating when you have invested your time and energy to apply and interview for a job, without a prompt response. However, sending a short Follow-Up Letter and remaining positive, will let them know you are still interested.
The Subject line should be brief and include your name, such as:
(Name) - Following Up About Our Meeting (Date);
(Name) - Following Up About (Position);
(Name) Checking in Regarding Interview
Then, you might start the letter with a greeting and a reminder that you are following up. For example:
I hope you are having a good week.
I enjoyed our meeting last week and am looking forward to your feedback. I continue to be interested in the (title/position) and would love to advance the interview process. Etc..
Alternative language might include:
When convenient, I would love to know if there is an update on the job search for (position).
I continue in my interest in joining your team. Please let me know if I can provide you with any further information.
Sometimes it is good to add a bit more information to remind them of your background and further clarify how you might be a great addition to the team. Including a question or “call to action” may prompt a response, as well. Such as:
When do you anticipate being able to share your thoughts?
Hi (Name),
I wanted to follow up on the email I sent last week about the position for which I interviewed on (Date).
I continue to believe that my 5-years-experience as (xyz) will contribute to the solutions you are seeking in the (abc) department, having gone through a similar situation in my current organization.
Thanks again for your consideration.
Contact infoOR
I am following up to learn if there is any update concerning the (job/title) opportunity for which I interviewed on (date). I continue to be highly nterested and would love to know the next steps in the hiring process.
Always, in any Follow-Up Letter, remind the hiring manager of your name, your current position and title and your continued interest in the company. Including your appreciation for their time in interviewing with you will remind them of their meeting, as well. Recruiters meet with so many people, it is often difficult to remember every candidate. So, make their job easier by reintroducing yourself at every opportunity, and offering to call again in a few days.